Monday 24 October 2011

Week 5 Session 9

An OPEN FORUM will be available on my blog where you will have one work of a local artist known as Michele McGregor and one of my works.  You are required to discuss, criticize and appreciate her work as well as mine online.  My  website is

At the end of this session student should be able to
Criticize, discuss and appreciate the works given online.

This is the Local Artist Michele McGregore and her works on Masks.

Here is my work.  You are free to discuss, criticize and analyse the work.  

Week 3 Session 6

Activity: A quiz on mask around the world.  This quiz consists of 10 questions each one carries 10 marks on a total of 100 marks.  You will have question on the various masks around the world.  The quiz is available on the following  website:

At the end of this session student should be able to
·         Answer all the questions
·         Have a good knowledge on the different masks around the world
This activity is to test the learners on the historical part of Face Mask.

Week 2 Session 4

Activity: You are required to search for ONE International and ONE local artist who has worked on face mask. you should submit a written work on my E-mail where you will have to include in your work the details on the artist like his or her
·         Biography
·         The work he/she does
·         Which technique he/she use
·         And some pictures of his/her work. 

Try to get ideas from his or her work and apply the technique he or she used in the making of your own face mask. 

At the end of this session student should be able to
·         Look for an artist on the internet
·         Write a short essay on him/her including the above details.
·         Send me the Email on my mail which is

*for the next session which is face to face you are required to bring:
i. a balloon
ii. paper liquid glue
iii. old newspaper
iv. a pair of scissor

Week 1 Session 2

Activity: You are required to do a research work of 300 words on the History of face mask. 
I.                   At least 2 different cultures that used face mask.
II.                Their beliefs, the purpose of using it.
III.             Look for ideas to create your own mask. 

You are requested to send me your final written work on my E-mail which is:

Objectives of this session.

At the end of this session student should be able to
·         Know well the history of mask
·         Do a proper research and compile the work

Monday 3 October 2011

Week 1: What is a Face Mask?

A mask is an article normally worn on the face used to hide, protect or cover part or all of the face for  performance or entertainment. Masks have been used since ancient times for both ceremonial and practical purposes. They are usually worn on the face. 
Masks are worn as a part of a costume or a disguise. Some masks are worn to protect such as a catcher's mask in baseball or a gas mask. Masks are made of varied materials including paper, cloth, grass, leather, metal, shell, and carved of wood or stone. They can be painted with symbolic designs and vivid colours.  

I will now talk a bit on the History of Face mask.  All ancient Cultures for examples African, Chinese, the American Indian, Venetian and other races used Face Mask for different purposes, some for rituals while other for carnivals.  However Face Mask has and interesting and breath taking history which i am sure you are eager to know.   

African Masks

Many African societies see masks as mediators between the living world and the supernatural world of the dead, ancestors and other entities. Masks became and still become the attribute of a dressed up dancer who gave it life and word at the time of ceremonies. African masks are a popular art form in the present and were extremely popular in the past among African tribes dating back to the Palaeolithic times. These masks varied in size, shape, and mediums including fabric, metal, various woods, and leather. African masks are highly required after by collectors and art history connoisseurs alike because they are considered some of the most unique and fine art creations in the world.  African masks are worn in ceremonies in different ways. For example they can be worn vertically covering the face, as crest resting on the head, or as helmets that encompass the entire head to convey a disguise. In many celebrations African masks represent spirits, where the spirit of ancestors is believed to possess the wearer of the mask. In rituals masks represent deities, mythological beasts and gods, metaphors for good and evil, the dead, animals, nature, and any other force that is considered stronger than humankind.

American Indian Masks
Masks have been part of dance regalia and traditional ceremonies in many Indian tribes since ancient times. The most renowned native mask-makers were the Northwest Coast Indians, who carved elaborate cedar dance masks. The most impressive of these could be opened at a pivotal point in the story to reveal a second face carved within the first one. The native masks often represented spirit creatures, animals and myths. When used in the Potlatch or other West Coast Native ceremonies, the native dancers would take on the personification of the creatures that the masks represented and enter the supernatural world during the dance. A West Coast Native transformation mask often represents the transformation of a human to a mythical creature or animal and vice versa.

Chinese Face Mask

Masks are an age-old cultural phenomenon shared by all ethnic groups of China. In awe of the unknown world, ancient people created numerous totems and divinities, praying to them for the power to overcome disasters and protect their life.
Masks served as a carrier of such wishes. They were given the functions of communicating with gods, bringing blessings, driving away ghosts and warding off diseases and lots of sacrificial rituals involving masks were regularly held.    
China is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country with a time-honored history and masks are popular among all ethnic groups as a time-honored cultural phenomenon, forming many unique customs. According to their functions, Chinese masks can be divided into exorcising masks, Tibetan masks, sorcerers' masks in Yunnan and Guizhou, Shamanic masks and dramatic masks etc.
Along with the development of the times, the ghost and god worshiping nature of the masks have been watered down and stress has been put on their artistic and entertainment qualities. A mask makes a collector's item with high aesthetic values.

Venetian Masks
Going back as far as the Medieval period and the Renaissance, the people of the Venice participated in 10-day festival called Carnevale. During this festival people of all different classes participated in the festival in which the main focus is to wear a mask that would disguise them.  Wearing these masks allowed them to participate in activities that their daily lives would not normally allow.  A mask-maker of these creations was called mascherari.
Venetian masks are made from the different types of colors as well as designs. Originally these masks are developed from Venice. At the time of making a mask they used costly material and to purchase these are much cost.

Activity 1
Make a critical analysis on one of the above face mask.